Why Allison picked this item: “For your friend with a sense of humor. There are only 2 words for this product: life changing.”Ā 

Why Christie picked this item: “Because NYC people donā€™t have room for Costco-sized refill packs.”Ā 

Why Lisa picked this item: “The Wild Berry & Bramble diffuser is my absolute favorite. Makes the entire room and home smell amazing.”Ā 

Why Adrianna picked this item: “l love the minimalist look of these dispensers with my favorite soap/lotion inside. You can even customize the jars!”Ā 

Why Georgina picked this item: “This year I’ve been finding a lot of joy in art – and there are so many pieces from Tappan Collective that I love! Art is so personal and discovering an art piece that speaks to you is so satisfying. Encouraging family or friends to find something that will bring them joy, in my opinion, is the ultimate gift.”Ā 

Why Christina picked this item: “More than ever, I think we can all do with a bit of joy, a lot of color, and a good laugh — so that is what I plan to gift this year with things like this needlepoint pillow from Furbish Studio.”Ā 

Why Kell picked this item: “I love to support this iconic East Village ‘witchcraft store’ opened in 1982 ā€“ I like to purchase the money candles for founder friends who are raising. Thereā€™s also these incredibly beautiful ā€˜custom candlesā€™ ā€” this one is specifically for ‘Successful Business’ — highly recommend! They work!”Ā